Pass hair follicle drug test guaranteed
If you are an intense drug user, the only way you will pass your hair drug test is by using the original Nexxus and Macujo Aloe rid shampoo. These shampoos are the strongest products available and they are made with natural ingredients that can remove any drug toxins from your hair. Don’t take passing a drug test lightly; make sure you use the products that have been proven to work by other heavy drug users.
The guaranteed method
Mike’s Macujo method is the only one that is guaranteed to get you to pass a hair follicle test. Our method works for weed, cocaine, opiates, meth, alcohol, and all other types of drugs. You must use the original Nexxus and Macujo Aloe rid shampoos with mike’s Macujo Method to ensure you have permanently gotten rid of any drugs in your hair.
While other hair detox methods only work for light users or for certain types of drugs, ours will work for any user, guaranteed. With the purchase of our shampoo, you will receive clear instructions on how to use it. We want you to be successful at passing your tests, so we work to give you what you need to make that happen.
What’s included with our shampoo:
- Printed instructions
- Online instructional videos
- Live phone support
Mike’s Macujo customer service reviews show that we care about our customers and we want to make sure you pass drug test on hair regardless of your drug use habits. The online instructional videos will provide you with helpful tips and advice on how to use the products. Along with these resources, you can also find specific information about how many washes you will need to perform Macujo method based on what drug you’re on and how much of it you have used.
Watch out for fake products
There are lots of fake, unsupported products around and you need to make sure you avoid them at all costs. Again, only the original Nexxus and Macujo Aloe rid shampoo will guarantee that you pass the test. Other products are made poorly or poured from larger containers and sold as the real thing. We are a trusted seller and this is what you need when purchasing hair detox shampoo products. If you don’t buy your supplies from a trusted seller, you run the risk of getting knock-off products that will just be a waste of your money.
- Peroxide treatment
While a peroxide treatment can help to remove some of the drugs from your hair, you should not rely on this method to pass your test. This treatment can only remove around half of the toxins present in your hair, and you will fail a drug test if you only treat your hair with peroxide.
- Avoid recontamination
This is critical to passing a drug test. You want to avoid recontamination from clothing, hats, combs, pillows, etc. Anything that you or someone else used that may contain drug residue should be avoided to prevent the toxins getting onto your hair again. Avoid these items to make sure you don’t undo all the work you did to get your hair clean in the first place.
- Postpone test if not enough time to detox hair
It will take some time to get your hair clean enough to pass your test, so if you are surprised by needing a drug test soon, it is best for you to postpone it to give yourself time to use our products. If you are a heavy user, you will need to wash your hair with the shampoo more times than light users. Because of this, you will need more time to allow the products to work.
With 20 years in the industry, we know what works to help you pass hair follicle drug tests. You are guaranteed to pass with the use of these products. Thousands of users have used these products and have successfully passed their tests and you can too. Original Nexxus and Macujo Aloe rid shampoo are formulated to be a permanent solution to getting rid of toxins in your hair follicles to make sure you don’t have to face the consequences of failing a hair test.